23rd Nov 2024
Ladies' College
What a great day we had! Hundreds of us gathered for a wonderful day. Photos of the day and the talk recordings will follow soon. Watch this space - and follow us on social media!
We live in a world full of uncertainty and unrest.
In a culture which relativises truth and reinvents morality, living as a Christian can be challenging.
In our own lives, we face doubt, pain and temptation.
How can we be secure in our faith, confident in the gospel, and face the future with certainty?
Join us as we look at the book of 1 John. As we dig into God's Word, we will discover vital gospel truths that will give us clarity and confidence in uncertain times.
Main Teaching
Colin Smith brought our main Bible teaching for the day. Originally from Scotland, Colin is Senior Pastor of the Orchard Evangelical Free Church in northwest suburban Chicago. Before this, Colin was a pastor in north London. Colin is the founder of Open the Bible (openthebible.org.uk), speaks regularly at Christian conferences, and has authored numerous books. Colin spoke at the Keswick Convention this year.
Phil Moore brought his band to lead our music.

In the afternoon we had a choice of seminars:
Gospel Confidence in the face of Climate Change - Dave Gobbett / Lead Minister, Highfields Church Cardiff
Gospel Confidence in Saying the Right Thing - Carolyn Lacey / Women's Worker, Woodgreen Evangelical Church
War of the Worldviews - Sharon James / Social Policy Analyst, Christian Institute

Under 18s
Camp XL, DumbRocks Music and others once more provided a brilliant programme for our children and teenagers. We also had a supervised crèche for those with babies and toddlers and an interactive reading of the Christmas Swallow by author Ben Harris.
After lunch, whilst the seminars are happening, Clownfish Events provided brilliant festival fun!
Timetable for the day
9:15-10:00 Registration*
10:00-11:00 Session 1
11:00-11:30 Break*
11:30-12:30 Session 2
12:30-13:45 Lunch*
13:45-14:45 Seminars / Festival Fun
14:45-15:15 Break*
15:15-16:15 Session 3
* Refreshments available for purchase. Coffee from Ethical Addictions.
Note: No parking on site; contact us if you require a disabled space.
For parking options, see the Cheltenham Borough Council Website or plan to use the Arle Court Transport Hub (i.e. Park & Ride).
Children & Youth
will be in
their groups
Children & Youth will be in their groups

Looking Back: CBF24
On 23rd November 2024, many hundreds of adults and children gathered.
We enjoyed great Bible teaching from Colin Smith and others, vibrant singing led by Phil Moore Music and DumbRocks Music, and fun fringe activities provided by Clownfish Events. We partnered with many local Christian organisations including Camp XL and Ethical Addictions.

Session one | Grow in assurance as you obey God's commands | 1 John 2:3-6
Session two | Grow in assurance as you love God's people | 1 John 2:7-11
Session three | Grow in assurance as you believe in God's Son | 1 John 2:18-25
Seminar | Gospel Confidence in the face of climate change
Seminar | Gospel Confidence in saying the right thing
Seminar | War of the Worldviews
At our inaugural event on 23rd November 2019, many hundreds of adults and children gathered.
We enjoyed great Bible teaching from Vaughan Roberts and others, vibrant singing led by EMU Music and DumbRocks Music, and fun fringe activities provided by Clownfish Events. We partnered with many local Christian organisations including Youth for Christ, Camp XL and Indigo Valley coffee.