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23rd Nov 2024


Ladies' College

We live in a world full of uncertainty and unrest.

In a culture which relativises truth and reinvents morality, living as a Christian can be challenging.

In our own lives, we face doubt, pain and temptation.

How can we be secure in our faith, confident in the gospel, and face the future with certainty?

Join us as we look at the book of 1 John. As we dig into God's Word, we will discover vital gospel truths that will give us clarity and confidence in uncertain times.

Main Teaching

Colin Smith will be bringing our main Bible teaching for the day. Originally from Scotland, Colin is Senior Pastor of the Orchard Evangelical Free Church in northwest suburban Chicago. Before this, Colin was a pastor in north London. Colin is the founder of Open the Bible (, speaks regularly at Christian conferences, and has authored numerous books. Colin will be speaking at the Keswick Convention this year.

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Under 18s

Camp XLDumbRocks Music and others will once more be providing a brilliant programme for our children and teenagers. We will also have a supervised crèche for those with babies and toddlers. Places are limited, so book now!

We will provide input all morning, whilst adults enjoy the main sessions, bookstall, exhibitors and refreshments. After lunch, Clownfish Events will again provide festival fun! 

Timetable for the day

9:15-10:00     Registration

10:00-11:00   Session 1

11:00-11:30   Break*

11:30-12:30   Session 2

12:30-13:45   Lunch*

13:45-14:45   Seminars / Festival Fun

14:45-15:15   Break*

15:15-16:15   Session 3

* Refreshments available for purchase

Note: No parking on site; contact us if you require a disabled space.

Children & Youth

will be in

their groups

Children & Youth will be in their groups

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Looking Back


At our inaugural event on 23rd November 2019, around 700 adults and children gathered. 


We enjoyed great Bible teaching from Vaughan Roberts and others, vibrant singing led by EMU Music and DumbRocks, and fun fringe activities provided by Clownfish Events. We partnered with many local Christian organisations including Youth for Christ, Camp XL and Indigo Valley coffee.

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Previous Talks

Session one | Doubting: "How long, O Lord?" | Habakkuk 1:1-2:1

Session oneVaughan Roberts
00:00 / 33:12

Session two | Waiting: "The Righteous will live by faith" | Habakkuk 2:2-20

Session twoVaughan Roberts
00:00 / 37:58

Session three | Trusting: "I will rejoice in the Lord" | Habakkuk 3:1-19

Session threeVaughan Roberts
00:00 / 38:44

Seminar | Trusting God in Disappointment

Trusting God in DisappointmentPaul Mallard
00:00 / 57:06
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